Job Scam Warning
Ignore job offers on WhatsApp, SMS and Social Media from scammers claiming to be from GrowthOps. Only emails ending with our official @GrowthOps.Asia domain are genuinely from us.

We would like to highlight the recent surge in scams in Singapore and the region. 

Whatsapp and social media messages from scammers falsely claiming to be from GrowthOps and other companies have been reported. 

These should be ignored. When you encounter unverified messages, you should avoid transferring money, sharing personal information or downloading apps from unverified websites.

Check the list of genuine roles available at GrowthOps

A full list of roles is available on our Careers Page  or on our official LinkedIn page.


Check if you’re being scammed and see the list of recent scams

To learn more and protect yourself against scams, This site by the Singapore National Crime Prevention Council issues updates on recent scams and lists recent common scams.


Protect yourself against scams: by Singapore National Crime Prevention Council


Read news about scams in Singapore: